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Cauldron Crafts Logo

We gladly accept orders by mail. To place an order by mail legibly print the title of the pattern(s) you would like, your address and daytime phone number so we can contact you if we have any questions with your order.

We accept postal money orders and personal checks. If you place an order using a personal check expect a seven to ten day waiting period for the check to clear. Remit payment for the cost of all the pieces you have selected plus shipping. Shipping is $5.00 for the first pattern and $1.00 for each additional item. All prices are in U.S. Dollars, however we will also accept the equivalent in Canadian Dollars as well.

After you have written your order please mail it to one of the address below. We do offer discount for bulk orders.

Canadian U.S.
Cauldron Crafts
P.O. Box 1576
Aldergrove, BC V4W 2V1
Cauldron Crafts
PMB #664 1706 Front Street
Lynden, WA 98624-1261
